Why car tires get dry rot? ✅causes, prevention and fix

Car tire dry rot is one of the most frequent problems that can influence the safety and reliability of the car. It happens when rubber in tires wears out as a result of various conditions and negligence. Knowledge of the causes, how to prevent dry rot, and the consequences of the disease is essential for every car owner.

 What are the causes of car tire dry rot?

  •  Dry rot in car tires is primarily caused by:
  • UV exposure
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Ozone exposure
  • Lack of use
  • Improper storage
  • Chemical exposure

Sunlight and especially UV rays can cause tire rubber compounds to degrade and crack. This process can also be hastened by exposure to very hot or cold temperatures. Ozone, a major component of smog, attacks rubber and makes it brittle. Tires that are not used for a long time, stored inappropriately, or exposed to chemicals are likely to be affected by dry rot.

We suggest that you read the comprehensive article on the tire buying guide. Also, You can buy tire online in Dubai through our website.


 Is there a way to fix tire dry rot?

Sadly, tire dry rot can never be reversed once it happens. Dry rot is permanent and fatal to rubber, and it is not advisable to try to repair a dry-rotted tire. If dry rot is discovered, one has to replace the tires because, with time, they will only worsen.

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 Can it be safe to drive with dry-rotted tires?

It is highly unadvisable to drive on dry rotted tires because it is very risky to do so. Dry rot weakens the carcass of the tire and raises the likelihood of blowouts, tread delamination, and loss of pressure. These issues can cause loss of control of the vehicle and possibly fatal accidents. If you ever see any indication of dry rot, change your tires as soon as you can.

How many hours, days, weeks, months, or years does it take for car tires to dry rot?

The time it takes for car tires to develop dry rot varies depending on several factors:

  • Environmental conditions
  • Tire quality
  • Maintenance practices
  • Frequency of use

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Can tire dry rot be fixed

Generally, it is possible to begin to observe dry rot in tires after five or six years of use. However, dry rot can occur earlier in unfavorable circumstances or if the damp-proof course is not properly maintained. Proper care and inspection can enable the user to increase the tire usage time.

To prevent dry rot in your car tires:

  • Keep tires properly inflated
  • Wash the tires with a mild soap and water as often as possible
  • Treat the tires with a UV protectant dressing
  • Keep the vehicles in a shaded area or garage to avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Employ tire cover services, especially when you are parking your car outside for a long duration.
  • Rotate tires regularly
  • Ensure that the vehicle is taken for a spin every two weeks.

Therefore, by adhering to these preventive measures, one would be able to minimize the chances of dry rot and, in turn, increase the durability of the tires.

To use our repair services, you can go to car service in Dubai. For more information, visit mobile van service Dubai.


 Seek prompt tire service from us

We at TyresMe know how crucial it is to have safe and reliable tires for your car or any other vehicle. Our professional technicians can examine your tires to check for signs of dry rot and can give you valuable tips on how to take care of them and when it is best to replace them. We have various quality tires that are ideal for different occasions and types of vehicles.

If you see any signs of dry rot or you have some issues regarding your tires, feel free to call TyresMe. Our fast and effective service guarantees that you will be able to drive safely as soon as possible. Your tires are the only part of your car that touches the road – it pays to make sure they are in good shape.

Tire check-ups and maintenance are vital to avoid dry rot and guarantee the safety of your car. When it comes to your tires, you can rely on TyresMe for your car’s check-ups, repairs, or replacement. Get on the road confidently, knowing your tires are in good condition.

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